Current Time in Guiyang, China

Sunday, March 2, 2008

All is well!

Well, it's day 3 being home and things are going well. The boys and Emma are having a blast playing together. My parents, brother and sister-in-law have been here this weekend and Emma seems to be adjusting to visitors just fine. We are recovering from jet lag fairly well. Emma is fairly awake in the night from about 1-3 am, but in general doing well. Maybe tonight we'll all sleep through the night.

We went to church today and Emma, Suzie (Sister-in-law) and I spent the hour in Emma's new Sunday School room. She did great and loved all of the toys. There are many sweet kids in that class so Emma will have a great time once she's able to adjust.

Tomorrow will be our first "normal" day at home with the boys at school, Justin at work, and Emma and me at home. We are more than ready to figure out what "normal" looks like. We've been waiting for this for a long time.

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